All forms of restoration undertaken, including:
Removal of foxing (acidic brown spots that look like fox paw prints)
Removal of watermarks/damage
Paper repair
Oil cleaning
Canvas repair
Re-lining of canvases
Photographic duplication and digital restoration (The image is photographed/scanned then digitally enhanced. The new image is then printed using our range of high quality medias as a replacement for the original. The original can then be safely archived and removed from display to avoid any further light and atmospheric deterioration.)
We can also make small frame repairs, including gold leaf repairs.

An example of Foxed paper before and after restoration.

An example of a water-colour removed from the acidic board before having the foxing removed and re-tinted to enhance the original colour.

Both examples of badly tarnished varnishes covering oils, now restored with the old varnish removed and new varnish applied.

An example of a torn image and after having had the paper repaired (look closely for the hair line repair).